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Friday, April 30, 2010

Reflection paragraph on sources

I had an easy time finding thease sources since there what people use everyday. They were very trustful. The way i know this is because i know millions of people use these websites everyday. I belive in everything i have found. I stand behind evrything i have said in the past two weeks. Some were bias on the certain subject of love. Love is a hard subject to descride. After two weeks i have decided that you can not define love. You can describe love. Noone knows what love is.

Works Cited

1). Kirberger, kimberly. Teen Love Series. Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications, Inc. , 1999.

2). Lewis, C.S. " C.S Lewis Quotes".

3). Kirberger, Kimberly. Teen Love Series. Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications, Inc. , 1999

4).Reid, Barbara E. "Love Commanded." America 202.13 (2010): 47. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.

5). Top Love Quotes of all Time. Top Love Quotes. 4-30-10,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reflection paragraph on process

What have i thought about this project?
Well I thought that it was great. It was fun and i got to learn some more aboput my topic. I think that if i had to change something about this poject it would be to make this project a year long project so that this could be a huge grade at the end of the year. I love the way it was plan out to be only one or two posts a day. It was easy to manage if you stayed on top of things and i also think it is a easy one -hundred for a project grade. Overall this is the best project i have done this semaster.

Wordle #2 based on topic key terms

Wordle: Love

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Refletion,Pargragh,on Findings

What i have found in my research is that God was the first one loved. They reoason i know that for a fact is that we would not be here if he didnot love us we would be alive right now and we would have never been made. Another amazing fact that i know about love that no one , but God can put a definition on love. Everyone has a different perspective on it. I believe love is just somthing that we humans feel toward on another. What is love? I

finding paragraph #3

What is love you might asked. Well no one really knows what the true meaning of love or if its has any meaning at all. It is like apart of life that we incounter everyday.
Random people were asked " what do you think love is" they answerd.

* Jay- Love is everything. No one can see it but I can feel it.

* Rachael- Love is being happy and comfortable with some one and you can just be yourself, no makeup, no fancy clothes, wake up next to them and think that you 2 are the only 2 people in the world that matter. Your heart races when you see them after an hour or a day apart, and you get butterflies when they kiss you, and at that moment you know you will be together foreverxxx.

* Luz- Love means caring for others, it means accepting one individual for who they are and not for how they are. There is nothing that can separate love. Nothing compares to the love there is between two persons that love each other. Love is a wonderful feeling that God demonstrates through his son Jesus that he gave to save us!

Thease are just some of the answers they gave. I want you to think avout the true meaning of LOVE.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Finding Paragraph #2

"From the moment we are born and even before, nature provides us with the security of a mother's love. Without that love, it would be difficult to survive" says Peter Hector. Peter has been through two marriages that failed. He spent five years trying to find out why so many of relationships just like his ended up in failure. I believe that we do need love and when we don't have love we go insane. I think we even go more insane when someone we love cannot see us or we cannot see then for a week or so. We need love, that is just i fact when need love. I think sometimes that love we need takes control of us and makes us do things that we don't mean to do. Like lets say that you are a boy and your girlfriend that you love very much and you are use to see her every day is sick for a week. Us boys tend to go insane because we need love and it makes us think that that person does not love us so we go insane. The bottom line is that everyone needs love.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Finding Paragraph #1

I personly believe that God first loved. He first loved us so that he created us in his on image. I wish i really knew why did he love us so much that he created us in he own image. I believe that since we can can love he can to. If he created us in his own image it only makes since. So if we can love he can love much more than we can because he can do anything he wants to. Here is the proof that God loves all of us.

6 For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.
8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Quote,paraphrase,and citation #5

"A simple I love you means more than money...."
--Frank Sinatra

I strongly believe that money is not more important then love. IF you marry someone because they have money you have sin against yourself the other person and God. So if you do do marry someone just because they have money your married is going to fail.

Quote,paraphrase, and citation #4 ( DATABASE)

• Talk to Jesus about a strained relationship
in your life, and let him show you how to
act in love.

I have finally found it. The only way to love is to talk to Jesus. When you talk to Jesus you are talking to the person who first loved. This is the only way to truely love. This is the real love.

"Love Commanded." America 202.13 (2010): 47. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 23 Apr. 2010.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Graph, chart, and citation

This graph show the stress level of when you love somwonw that they are your soul mate. This graph starts when the man ask the women to marry him. I thuink you can go through all of this together, you meant to be together for the rest of your life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Quote,paraphrase, and citation #3

Quote: I have researched one of the most common used quotes of love there is. The quote says " Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all" - Seneca

Paraphrase: What i have understood about this since i was a kid has been that when you love you have gained, but when something happens and you and your partner have to break apart you don't lose what you have gained from the relationship it just makes you smarter in picking the women you will spend the rest of you life with. When you don't love there is no why you will know what you like to find in a girl.

This what i found in my research and this is what is true.

Teen Love, Kirberger, Kimberly.

Photo,caption,and citation #3

A mother's love is the most important love that you
can experience on this earth. A mother's love is

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quote,paraphrase,and citation #2

Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. - C.S Lewis

Paraphrase: I believe that this means if you love anything or anyone your heart will be hurt. Nothing can last forever so one day your heart will be broken over that thing or someone you loved.


Photo,caption, and citation # 2

This is the Chinese symbol for love. This represents that love is important in cultures besides out own.

Quote, caption, and citation #1

Quote: "To love at all is to be vulnerable" said C.S Lewis

Paraphrase: I think this means that as soon you love someone you can not let them go and you will do anything to keep them as close to you as possible. You will even die to keep the person you love alive.

Teen Love on relationships: Author: Kimberly Kirberger

Photo, caption, and citation #1

I choose this picture because i think the heart looks like this when we are truely in love.
and that i think this is a symbol of God's heart toward us.

Wordle #1 based on one useful site

Wordle: Untitled

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Preliminary links and and decriptions

Wikipedia created a article that explains everything that i need to know. I will use this article to help me find the true meaning of the word love.

Here is trying to put a definition on the word love. I will use this to my advantage to find the true meaning to the word

Here is e-how trying to tell you how to Love. Wow that sounds like the same question i have this might be useful.

The last website that I could fine that talked about my project is Today. They have created this website just help me out on my question.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Animoto basaed on search questions

Create your own video slideshow at

What I want to know about my topic

The thing is that i wnat to know everything i can. Because I belive that if you find the true meaning of the word love yoiu find the true meaning of life. Since there is no one on earth that knows the true mening of life i don't think anyone will find the true meaning of love. I do have some questions.

* Where does love come from?

* How can some people just not love?

* Who first Loved?

* How do we love ?

* Do we need Love?

Monday, April 12, 2010

What I already know about my topic

I have been wondering what love really is for about five years. I started wondering around the time i had my first real relationship. I guess that is bad to say, but you know i really don't care what kids think of me. What i already know is that is comes in different types. Like you don't love your brother or sister like you do your girlfriend or boyfriend. See my point. Also all humans can love, but the sad part is that some of us decide not to.

The Story Behind My Topic

"Wake up!" the teacher screamed at me and the rest of the students. " Today's subject is on love," said the teacher in a calmed downed voice. Everyone growned but me. I have always been interested in the subject of LOVE. The Only problem was that I quickly relized that the teacher was given only reasons that we love and that he has not given a real answer to what love is. So after the class was over I set out to find the true meaning of love.
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